Monday, March 10, 2014

are you ready for baby #2?!

We get this question a lot. This question used to bother me. A lot. Mainly because of the guilt I would feel as the unedited response in my head went something like, "Are you freaking crazy?! Why would you even ask that question? I can hardly keep it together with one, who, by the way is not even one!" I felt as though I was less of a woman or mother because I could not even fathom the idea of a second babes. That is until one of my best friends had her baby...

Monday, March 10th, roughly 7pm. A text came in of the first family picture with my bestie's newborn. Something started flickering in me. A little light of nostalgia. Yes, despite my dislike for the newborn stage, a part of me was a little envious. Now, don't get me wrong. By no means was this a, "Let's get busy on baby numero dos." This was more of a, "I can fathom the idea of having another one."

So, if you are in that stage where the thought of another child strikes fear and panic, that's okay. If the thought brings joy and anticipation, that's okay. If you are like me and are slightly warming up to the idea, that's okay.  If you have no desire for another and are just chill, that's okay. Wherever you are, whatever your feelings may be with the idea of adding another minion to your pack, is perfectly prefect for you. Tell that guilt monster to take a hike and give yourself a hug for being the best parent you can be, right now.

Coming up: how I probably made my first child the weird child

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